Friday 16 September 2011

Window Cleaner Survives 40-Foot Fall

Window cleaner survives 40-foot fall: A window cleaner miraculously survived a 40-foot fall down an airshaft between two Lower Manhattan buildings today but was in serious condition after the harrowing accident, fire officials said. The unidentified worker plummeted to the basement level of a small space between 253 Broadway and an adjoining building at 9 Murray Street, just before 2:15 p.m., cops said. An anonymous witness called 911 immediately after the accident and asked for help at the 14-story Home Life Building but there was a language barrier and the witness hung up, sources said.

A second caller translated for one of the victim’s co-workers, saying the victim was unconscious and trapped in a small space, but that caller also hung up before emergency workers arrived, sources said. When 911 operators tried calling the witness back, they were routed directly to voicemail, according to call logs. By the time Emergency Services reached the victim a few minutes later the victim had regained consciousness, police said. The worker was taken to Belleview Hospital and listed in serious condition. Officials on the scene said they believed the victim was wearing a harness when he fell four stories but they were not sure whether it was fastened or clipped into anything.

My worst New York fear realized: a window cleaner fell 40-feet down an air-shaft between 253 Broadway and an adjoining building at 9 Murray Street, just before 2:15 p.m. today. He has survived (miraculously) although he remains in serious condition after the harrowing accident.

This is not the same accident that occurred a few short days a go. Link here.

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