Tuesday 20 September 2011

On The Water Fed Pole With Michael Mole

Michael Mole’s company uses technology that allows him to clean up to
72 feet from the ground.

Name: Michael Mole

Job: Owner/operator, Mole Window Cleaning

Age: 23

Family: Married to Heather.

How you got started: “I was home schooled. When I was a junior in high school, I started doing some commercial window cleaning for a company over in Beaufort. I wasn’t getting the hours I wanted so I just went out on my own and started cleaning windows. I did it part-time until I finished high school. When I moved to Savannah, I went full-time.”

Education: “This business has been my education.” Also has a bachelor’s in religion.

Unique things about the company: “We’re the only company based in Savannah that uses the technology we do. We’re able to get 72 feet (six stories plus) from the ground. Obviously, there are a lot of safety benefits. Our guys never leave the ground. There’s virtually no chance for accidents.”

Tools needed: “It’s basically a carbon fiber extension pole with a brush. Pure de-ionized water is sent up to the end through a hose. De-ionized water is pretty aggressive and because it contains no dissolved solids, we don’t have to squeegy it. We can rinse it and just leave it wet. It dries spot-free.”

Enjoys most about the business: “I love solving problems and learning. I don’t think if I was in a traditional work environment that I would have as much opportunity to solve problems. The buck stops with me.”

Drawbacks: “It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s no fun putting your hand in a bucket of water when it’s 35 degrees outside. It’s also a seasonal business with spring and fall being the busiest times. And there are still some safety risks. We can’t do everything without ladders.”

Job skills needed: “A good work ethic, and you have to be a people person. We do about 70 percent residential and 30 percent large commercial. We’re in and out of people’s homes all day long.”

Advice: “Everybody is waiting for the right time to start their own business or ask for a promotion or try something new. It just doesn’t come. There’s no right time. Now is probably a better time than tomorrow will be. Tomorrow, you’ll have all the same issues and just be another day behind.”

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