Monday 27 September 2010

Premier Video + New Products From Window Cleaning Resource

Window Cleaning Resource have added a number of videos of both new products and ideas from members of the forum. The first video is a premier to the window cleaning world as Josh with his series of "The Biz" talks about networking and how it helps your business. Only from Window Cleaning Resource (WCR) & premiering here!

Salvatore Marino shows off a neat new window cleaning extension pole that was a painting pole!

A new Unger T-shirt contest from WCR & also featuring the "Super-Hero," which is a neat invention from Unger that will let you detail the windows utilising your strip washer.

Mr Sanchez demonstrates how to hold a store front door, while still cleaning the windows. That's great customer service!

Alex demonstrates the Gardiner SLX WFP water fed pole system. Comes standard with a reach around from Reach Higher Ground.

Curt Kempton from 5star window cleaning is featured in issue #1 of Window Cleaning Business Owner Magazine "how I roll" article. Curt gives us a nice tour of his amazing set up.

I woke up the other day looked at the calendar 9/24/2010 and realized that we have officially been in business for 10 years. Step back to June 2000 I was working with a local window cleaning company. Like all jobs I had back then it quickly fell apart, it lasted officially one month. I was let go for working to slow, or so they told me. I now realize that some people are destined for self-employment, and I am in fact unemployable. I needed a job quickly; my girlfriend’s dad got me one at a local printing place he worked at. I hated it but it paid good, my whole time there I couldn’t stop thinking about window cleaning so I planned to bail once the fall hit and start my own business. My time at the printing place was spent scheming, planning and researching the new endeavor. My mind was officially in window cleaning a couple of months before I launched. Read more...

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