Monday 25 August 2008

1000th Member on Window Cleaning Resource

Those crazy guys - Chris & Alex Lambrinides of Window Cleaning Resource, the MOST popular window cleaning forum in North America have just surpassed a thousand members joining their forum. In an International based setting, the advise on the forum is great for any window cleaners out there who are thinking of turning Pro'. All the UK members would do well to look in to "the office" side of the forum that is much more advanced on every level. Downloads can be made to help move your business on to the next level. The most window cleaning video's on any forum in the world & now with interactive chat at selected times. Also check out their free t-shirt offer.

In celebration of the 1000th member I give you the Spanish equivalent of fireworks otherwise known as the "Mascleta" in the season of "Fallas" in Valencia, Spain. Basically, a grand excuse to shoot off gunpowder & heavy munition for 15 minutes nonstop - 1300 kilos of it daily, along with daylight fireworks displays (shown below) & 2 million people. The minute it’s finished, each neighborhood fallas ignites its own volley. To add to the aural assault, individual falleros (participants) light and toss their own firecrackers 24/7 next to you, in the crowd or in the air. For two weeks you cannot sleep, barely eat or not be deafened by the all night parties in the street - in each neighbourhood. Its probably the most incredible & loudest display in the world! You have to see it to believe it! (Also click the fireworks above to watch this years event & turn your volume up fully to get somewhere near the sound level.)

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