Tuesday 18 March 2008

Dangerous Job?

I came across this "new" video the other day entitled "dangerous job". Looking on the internet, I found that wikipedia & Churchhill Insurance (from 2004) still list window cleaning in the UK as the most dangerous job, but in the USA, it has been overtaken by loggers, fishermen & pilots.

This article from the Guardian from 2004 that covers a window cleaning story in Shanghai has the headlines "'Sometimes we have a year with no deaths".

But with no definate updates I presume that the window cleaning industry as a whole have pulled their act together on both sides of the pond to make safety the top priority. Even though window cleaning deaths made big news. Except for cradles, most chair workers or abseilers that are practioners don't seem to be phased by this everyday activity.

I have added this French video below, don't bother watching this if you are the nervous type. Personally I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It shows what peer pressure can do to the youth of today......by the way - thats not a parachute on his back.

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