Sunday 24 February 2008

The Electric Window Cleaner

Do you need a hand with some serious working at height issues? Jeff could be your man. Click on his mugshot for his website & you get the experience & his services for that next difficult clean!
This is my mate Jeff Brimble - the guy who originally thought up the idea to use fishing poles as a way forward in the window cleaning industry. If he was in the entertainment world he would have been knighted by now. Jeff & myself are still dabbling with the various problems in the window cleaning world we come up against. Recently Jeff met his greatest challenge & rose to the problem using & adapting an Emporium Pole to currently hold the world record (88 foot) for height reached using a wfp. Alan from Emporium poles has managed to stir quite an interest with his new brand of fishing "based" poles & accessories. The only other serious contender for Super light poles at the moment is Alex Gardiner maker of the Superlite & Gardiners poles.

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