Friday 9 May 2014

Mole & Jersey Season 2 - Just Gets Better

Get some..
The Mole & Jersey Show, Season 2 is now in full swing. So, 'Breaking Bad' - move over, because the Mole & Jersey Show is becoming more entertaining by the minute. Lot's of fun & laughs to boot & remember kids, some serious stuff as well that might just save your life when you're out there doing some window cleaning. Starting with the latest show & older shows lower down. Over 2 hours of viewing pleasure to take you through the weekend.
This is the Un-Edit show...Showing the first Rigs and Digs EVER. Also featuring the best reviews of the show (reviews from the UK even). You want awesomeness...You found it here. Click on the picture above to take you there!
Do have a window cleaning business? Maybe you are a pressure washer. Focussing on the business side of things, so waste some time with Mole & Jersey! Click on the picture above to take you there!
Season 2, episode 2 - The window cleaning and pressure washing industries only show. Learn business ideas, tips and tricks. Or just waste some time with laughing at stupid people in our industry! Click on the picture above to take you there!
Episode 1 of the new season 2, and Mole & Jersey are talking about modeling off of Amazon Prime. Learning how to start a service business is hard. But why not learn some stuff? Learn some stuff with Mole & Jersey! Click on the picture above to take you there!

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