Friday 10 October 2008

Turbulent Economy Leaves Small Businesses Struggling

MELBOURNE, FLORIDA - It's been a struggle for small business owners in these turbulent economic times. Ian Kennedy's window cleaning business has been a wash of late, as a rocky economy has those he serves scaling back. He's had to hit the ground running more often with more cold calls and visits to potential customers.
Meanwhile, his focus has shifted along with the rough times as they are washing more windows at commercial and residential buildings instead of strip malls and the like. “Retail stores, restaurants especially have tightened up, so cleaning is one of the things that they've been doing in-house or unfortunately, a lot of them have been going out of business,” said Kennedy.
In August, Brevard County had a 7.2 percent unemployment rate. That's more than 19,000 people out of work, with many of them let go by small business owners.
The Florida Small Business Development Center at Brevard Community College has a wealth of resources and help to struggling businesses in Brevard County and beyond.

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