Tuesday 10 June 2008

Window Cleaner Sleeps in Tokyo

It is not often you get to see a woman sleep in a bed stuck on the side of a building, but this happened for workers in the Ginza district of Tokyo. The lunch crowds saw a woman abseiling from the roof of a hotel, and into a bed suspended from the fourth floor. Professional window cleaner Aya Nakamura took part in the stunt as part of an advertisement for a hotel chain. "I was yawning and I actually almost fell asleep because it's such beautiful weather. It's so warm and it feels so good," Ms Nakamura said after the stunt. The hotel was trying to highlight the benefits of a good night sleep, but its PR manager said the stunt did more than hit home its message. "This ad is unique because this never happens. All this in a busy street like Ginza. That is our point: to surprise our guests and consumers in Japan," said Takako Ushio.

Video here. More photo's here.
Also see footballers at height here.

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