Friday 20 June 2008

Reverse Osmosis Membranes & Deionisation Regeneration

For all you water fed pole users out there who haven't got a clue why you're paying what you're paying for your membranes & your regenerated resin, heres a few insightful video's.
In the first video the "Nitto Denko Corporation" explain what going on inside your reverse osmosis membrane & how they work in the form of a 3D animation. The second video: Bill from window cleaning resource does a great job to show you a real life version & unfolds the membrane in front of your eyes. In the third video you get to see Bill doing an inspection of a membrane before cleaning. Lastly, the fourth video you get to see how deionisation resin is regenerated on a semi-industrial scale. Thanks to window cleaning resource for taking the time to put these video's together. If you're wondering why I'm posting so many video's from window cleaning resource, its the only company out there producing video's on a regular basis for us window cleaners!

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