Sunday 29 June 2008

New Auto-Brush Unveiled

Peter Fogwill of Aquatech has released a video of Auto-Brush 2 (below), a great way of starting/stopping the water flow from the brush head by tapping the frame with the brush head. The new Autobrush features its on & off switch in the vertical position instead of horizontal. The old way can be viewed here. Peter says "For those who thought it a problem with the water switching off accidentally then this has been addressed. The valves are less likely to be damaged as they are far more protected by the positioning. The bars are far less likely to be damaged because of the very small length. In all a much better way of saving water and time. The bad news is there is a 3 week wait for one." One user states - "it is a vast improvement on the old style due to the different switch position, and its much harder to switch off by mistake unless you're in the habit of slamming the brush on the bottom sill,"

More information & video's at Aquatech. Forum talk here in the WFP section.
Previous blog on the autobrush here.

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