Saturday 28 June 2008

Getting Drunk on WCR Nation

Well, I've just watched the 12th WCR Nation, shared with 6 Corona's & 4 pints of Guinness - trust me, its the best way to watch it! And after a hard days work, it was nice to sit down & watch something constructive & at the same time get hammered.

And while I'm at it, sign the Sörbo petition -Alex & Chris of Window Cleaning Resource, have been trying to stock Sörbo gear for the last upteen months with no result. This is rummoured to be an embargo from other window cleaning gear suppliers who are trying to put the block on these guys. Main features this week are WFP training academy, Greg Coulker, this Blog!, Sörbo (see picture) & Unger. For all you people that haven't seen the daily phone call to Mr. Sörbo from Chris & head-less Alex - shown below.

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