Monday 16 June 2008

Fiji Window Cleaning Day

The Fiji times online reports that there are quite a lot of anniversaries taking place on its Pacific Isle. Last week they had their annual Window Washer Day, when everyone is supposed to clean their windows to celebrate the work of professional window cleaners who risk their lives swabbing the glass on multi-storey buildings. I have fond memories of Fiji, where everyone was friendly & said a quick "Bula bula" to each other & getting drunk on Kava tea - a lip numbing experience! Most of the men wore hibiscus flowers in their hair & wore loin cloths/skirts. If you don't believe me - check out the Fijian man maid, which was about the only reference to cleaning in Fiji I could find!

Anyhow, I reckon because this is such a weak post: I should add this photo of another Window Cleaner at work in China, this picture was narrowly beaten by another for photo of the year! Someone buy him a suction cup! Go on - click the link & have a laugh.

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