Friday 9 May 2008

Window Cleaner Caught on Camera

A teenage campaigner for the elderly who was caught on camera repeatedly stealing from an 87-year-old dementia sufferer has been locked up.
Elizabeth Barker (pictured), 19, was widow Eliza Broadhead's window cleaner and had won her trust. She stole cash from her widowed victim's OAP bungalow in Eastleigh Court Tingley, three times in March. Just weeks before the thefts Barker had taken part in a community campaign to save a neighbouring sheltered housing complex from the axe. Barker, of Sissons Road, Middleton, Leeds, was caught out by covert CCTV installed in the flat by police on the request Mrs Broadhead's daughter Sheila Cree. Mrs Cree became suspicious after money went missing from her mum's purse. Sentencing Barker to 16 months in a Young Offenders' Institution, Judge Geoffrey Marson QC told Barker: "It was a vile and wicked thing to do, to target a vulnerable victim in this way. A lady who is entitled in her final years to be protected by the courts by those who prey upon her."

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