Friday 30 May 2008

Sharing the Pain

Forrest Stockman only wanted to be one thing when he grew up, a window washer. The excitement of being high in the sky was not a new thing to him. His father was a window washer and so was Stockman's brother, in fact it’s how Stockman lost his brother. Stockman was 18-years-old when his brother fell from the sky in a work accident when the equipment broke. Now, at 41-years-old Stockman suffered his own fall. On January 18, 2008 Stockman was on his third window about 60 feet in the air in downtown Glendale when his equipment failed and he fell from the sky, breaking several bones. “I broke 7 bones in my back, all of my ribs and both of my shoulders,” Stockman says, “my right leg is almost paralyzed, I just don't have control of my bowels.” Details difficult to share, but he says even worse is that he worries he won't be able to provide for his 15-year -old son who he supports and raises alone. Stockman has no income. At the time of the accident Stockman was a contracted employee so workers compensation has denied him benefits and he’s left to find how he’ll manage to support his family. If you’d like to help Forrest Stockman, you can donate at any Wells Fargo Bank or if you’d like to help in any other way, you can contact a family friend at:

See here for video.

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