Monday 26 May 2008

Government Data Reveals Cleaning Payments

Millionaire’s MP wife claimed £1,600 for cleaning windows:

AN MP married to a Welsh millionaire spent £1,600 of taxpayers’ cash on cleaning the windows of their luxury London flat. Barbara Follett, the Labour MP for Stevenage and wife of novelist Ken Follett, called the cleaners 18 times between February 2003 and March 2004 to the flat they share in the Soho area of the city. The cleaning cost £80 a time plus £14 VAT, and every penny was claimed back from the taxpayer. A home in the same street as the Folletts’ is currently on sale for £4.25m. The details are among extensive data finally released yesterday after Commons authorities gave up a three-year £100,000 legal battle to keep them secret.

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