Wednesday 28 May 2008

Desperately Seeking Robots

Sweden: Charlotte seeks robot window cleaner.

Robots may already be capable of cleaning and entertaining, but Charlotte Brogren's job is to decide what they will be able to do in the future. As development manager for ABB Robotics, Brogren works hand in hand with technicians and programmers to push the limits of robot technology. "We have strong cooperation with our internal research group, but also with colleges and universities all over the world," she says. When it comes to investment in robot development, Japan and Korea are the major players. "There is a lot happening in Japan of course but we in Sweden are right up there," says Broberg. The 44-year-old mother of three expects robots to play an ever more active role in our daily lives, relieving people of many menial tasks. "Before people used to harvest by hand. We're just moving along the value chain," she says. And Broberg practices what she preaches, with a series of robots keeping her company at home, including one that can play air guitar and stand on its head. But her dream robot is somewhat less glamorous. "Right now I'm looking for one that can clean windows," she says.

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