Sunday 13 April 2008

Window Cleaning (resource) Nation

Window cleaning media information just got easier. Chris & Alex Lambrinides of Window Cleaning Resources have started there own 'pod cast' take on the window cleaning news, hopefully weekly, with a fun round-up. In the very bottom picture you can see how they link to sites (thanks guys) & also talk about the most interesting topics happening from the past week. Its a not to be missed show & can be downloaded from Window Cleaning Resources Nation. Once you get to the page, just right click on the link & "save target as", to download to your computer. Anyone on dial-up can then see the video off-line without all the judder, once downloaded. Its a 45 minute 'pod-cast' & recommended viewing for anyone who wants to know more about window cleaning topics.
I've added a poorer quality of the video below, I recommend you go via the link above.

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